Address for the 140th anniversary of the Ateneo de Manila and jesuit education in the Philippines

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Address for the 140th anniversary of the Ateneo de Manila and jesuit education in the Philippines
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Conferencia / Ponencia
We are asked to reflect as well on our pursuit of excellence, in the development of the fullest human and spiritual potential of our students. As Jesuit schools, colleges and universities you are asked to be centers of excellence in the major tasks of teaching, research and service. In the actual context of inequality and injustice in which we live, you have to take special care that such excellence not be for the benefit of a few only. Rather let it be at the service of the integral development of the entire society. In a world where the bar of excellence continues to be raised ever higher and where the costs of schooling continue to escalate, this is an increasingly difficult challenge. The 34th General Congregation demands an integrated approach to all our apostolates. Proclamation of faith, promotion of justice, encountering cultures with the Gospel and dialogue with people of other faiths form essential elements of the one integral movement in our evangelizing mission. This defines our call to answer the needs of the world of our time.
Address for the 140th anniversary of the Ateneo de Manila and jesuit education in the Philippines
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