Temática: Características de la educación y pedagogía
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Sobre la inculturación

Noción, actualidad y universalidad de la inculturación. La inculturación y la Compañía de Jesús. Actitudes requeridas. Consecuencias internas. "la...

| Arrupe S.J., Pedro
Sobre o momento, e a necessidade de recolher fundas Ver novas todas as coisas em Cristo

Recentemente, a Companhia de Jesus nos motivou à celebração do Ano Inaciano: 500 anos da conversão de Santo Inácio, e 400 anos da sua canonização. Com o...

| Guidini, Fernando
Some characteristics of jesuit colleges and universities: A self-evaluation exam

While this document focuses on the Catholic and Jesuit identity of our schools, it needs to be used in the context of the presupposition that an...

| AJCU - Estados Unidos
Subsídios para a Pedagogia Inaciana

Após o lançamento do documento Pedagogia inaciana — uma proposta prática, a CONEJ (Comissão Nacional de Educação dos Jesuítas) publica agora uma série de...

| Compañía de Jesús | Centro Pedag. P. Arrupe | Lenz S.J., Martinho
Teachers and learners walking the way of Ignatius

The authors reflects on her experience at JESEA: "I have researched and studied Ignatian pedagogy in order to advance it in both theory (model) and...

| Lausch, Carolyn E.
Tejiendo lazos familiares a través del teatro Una experiencia transformadora en la educación ignaciana con los estudiantes de 9º EGB

Por Rosa Magallanes y Yudith Valero González, docentes de la U.E. Javier - Guayaquil.  Este ensayo analiza cómo la representación teatral ha servido como...

| Varios autores- ver en la descripción
Textos e documentos para o profundamento na Pedagogia Inaciana

São sugeridos nesta lista 73 textos de algumas categorias importantes do extenso acervo existente hoje sobre Pedagogia Inaciana. Os textos são discursos...

| Klein S.J., Luiz F.
The Call to Leadership of a Jesuit University: Context, Charism, Partnership

University leadership is a challenging job, but it is not only a job. It is a call, a vocation. This morning I would like to develop this call in three...

| Sosa S.J., Arturo
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education – An Abridged Version

The vision of Jesuit education. The Jesuit school. Intellectual formation. Cura personalis. Religious formation. Horizons and perspectives. Teachers in...

| Jesuit Institute-Bretaña
The Characteristics of Jesuit Education

The Characteristics of Jesuit Education. Jesuit Education is world-affirming.Jesuit Education assists in the total formation of each individual within...

| Compañía de Jesús
The characteristics of Jesuit Education in Australia: Mission, Governance and Directions

The Society’s care for its schools is current, intentional and personal. It cannot be merely historical or contractual. The relationship of the Society...

| Raper S.J., Mark
The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus as a resource for Ignatian Pedagogy

The article  delves into the charismatic origins of the Society of Jesus, aligning with the Second Vatican Council's decree Perfectae Caritatis. It...

| Grummer S.J., James
The influence of the Spiritual Exercises on six dimensions of Jesuit Education

What hints or clues about the educational enterprise might we draw from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius? If, to say it another way, the Spiritual...

| Graham, S.J., Michael J.
The Jesuit Imaginary: Higher education en a secular age.

Tha search for fullness in a secular age. Charles Taylor in scholarly discourse. Pier Paolo Vergerio ans Renaissance Humanism. The tradition of Jesuit...

| Scot H., Daniel
The jesuit university in the light of the ignatian charism

The option of the Company for education. The objectives of higher education. The Company's commitment to intellectual work. University and society....

| Kolvenbach S.J., P.H.
The Spirit of Jesuit Education - Jesuit Schools in Britain

This booklet, and the film by Dominic Hartley which it accompanies, introduces the eleven Jesuit schools of the British Province. Because of their...

| Jesuit Institute-Bretaña
The Twelve Ideals of a Jesuit Education

(Found on the walkway in front of Monroe Library- Loyola University, New Orleans) Jesuit & Catholic Attitudes of Heart: Reverence • Gratitude +...

| Sin Autor
Tradición educativa jesuita

El autor reseña el discurso pronunciado ante el congreso por el Padre General de los jesuitas, Arturo Sosa, titulado: “Una pedagogía al servicio de la...

| Ayala Ramírez, Carlos
Tradición: Un llamado a la innovación

Innovación: un término de moda polarizador. Lo que la innovación no es, y lo que sí es. Los jesuitas: una larga historia de innovación. La educación...

| Laughlin, David
Tradition: A call for innovation

Innovation: A Polarizing Buzzword. What Innovation Isn’t, and What It Is. The Jesuits: A Long History of Innovation. Jesuit Education: Innovation Within...

| Laughlin, David