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The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus as a resource for Ignatian Pedagogy

The article  delves into the charismatic origins of the Society of Jesus, aligning with the Second Vatican Council's decree Perfectae Caritatis. It...

| Grummer S.J., James
The Curriculum carries the Mission

The Ratio Studiorum, the making of Jesuit Education, and the making of the Society of Jesus

| Pavur, S.J., Claude
The document that got specific about Jesuit Education: The Great Ratio at 400

There is no denying that the Ratio and its effects have filtered into our cultural universe to such an extent that we have long since taken it all for...

| Pavur, S.J., Claude
The Examen Handbook: A guide for leading others through the prayers of the Examen

Theology of the Examen. Spirituality. Tha basis of Ignatian Spirituality. The Examen. Effect of the Examen. General format of the Examen. College diary...

| Jones S.J, Ross
The Global Educational Pact from Appreciative Inquiry

Prepared by the Education Commission of the two unions of superiors general: UISG and USG. This manual is the result of the November 2020 UISG and USG...

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The identity of ignatian leadership and ignatian teacher formation

The challenge of leading a school community in the ignatian tradition – a template for a jesuit school. The challenge of leading a school community in...

| Porter S.J,, Adrian
The influence of the ignatian pedagogical paradigm on instructors

Maureen E. McAvoy, Terrence Crowe, Robert Lotz, Brian Truka Integrating It into Undergraduate Courses in the College of Professional Studies at Marquette...

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The influence of the Spiritual Exercises on six dimensions of Jesuit Education

What hints or clues about the educational enterprise might we draw from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius? If, to say it another way, the Spiritual...

| Graham, S.J., Michael J.
The intellectual dimension of jesuit ministries

Now, as in Ignatius' own time, intellectual activity risks becoming centered on itself, study can be pursued for its own sake rather than for motives of...

| Kolvenbach S.J., P.H.
The Interpretations of the Ignatian Examen in History: Between Morality and Spirituality

The Ignatian Examen, as presented in the Spiritual Exercises [Sp. Ex. 43], has been interpreted in more than one way over the centuries. Our thesis is...

| Mannoor S.J,, Somy M.
The Jesuit Imaginary: Higher education en a secular age.

Tha search for fullness in a secular age. Charles Taylor in scholarly discourse. Pier Paolo Vergerio ans Renaissance Humanism. The tradition of Jesuit...

| Scot H., Daniel
The jesuit mission in the university apostolate

Importance of the apostolate of institutions of higher learning. Why is the apostolate Important. Our bonds with our sStudents and lay staff. Shaping of...

| Arrupe S.J., Pedro
The jesuit social justice dialectic and the Cristo Rey School Model

American Jesuit Secondary Education seeks to maintain a Jesuit social justice dialectic that ensures balance between preserving the virtue of the Jesuit...

| Kabadi, Sajib
The jesuit university as a community of wisdom and service

My main message will be quite simple. If Sogang University is a Jesuit and a Catholic University, then it must be, in a special way, a servant and a...

| Nicolás S.J., Adolfo
The jesuit university in the light of the ignatian charism

The option of the Company for education. The objectives of higher education. The Company's commitment to intellectual work. University and society....

| Kolvenbach S.J., P.H.
The path of the Society of Jesus in Latin America to join the Global Compact on Education

América Latina (CPAL) decided to join the Latin American groups and institutions that are committed to the defense of inclusive and high-quality...

| Klein S.J., Luiz F.
The Performance of Decentralized School Systems: Evidence from Fe y Alegría in Venezuela

Hunt Allcott y Daniel E. Ortega This program evaluation estimates the effects on standardized test scores of graduating from the Fe y Alegría schools in...

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The role of jesuit schools and their future

He begins by recounting different meetings in various regions of the world to analyze the reality and future of Jesuit education. And he continues...

| Arrupe S.J., Pedro
The rules for thinking, judging, feeling in the post-Conciliar Church

Thinking, judging, feeling in the post-Conciliar Church. The Ignatian View: Optimistic, Realistic. The Critical Balance of Faithful Love.

| Kolvenbach S.J., P.H.
The Spirit of Jesuit Education - Jesuit Schools in Britain

This booklet, and the film by Dominic Hartley which it accompanies, introduces the eleven Jesuit schools of the British Province. Because of their...

| Jesuit Institute-Bretaña